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We Deliver Accredited Training  

An innovative 12-part programme proven to make 'Sustainability' make sense for businesses in your destination

Empower the businesses in your destination to feel confident in the area of sustainability and climate action with this 12-session programme

Support businesses in your destination to manage their energy, water and waste consumption

Nurture a holistic understanding of sustainability that focuses on doing less harm, doing more good and making the destination better as a result of tourism activity

Download Our Prospectus Today
Limerick Greenway, leafy path through gates

An innovative 12-part programme 


M.T.U. accredited Level 6 Special Purpose Award
a practical roadmap to create a meaningful sustainability action plan
knowledge and tools to establish carbon footprint and plan to reduce emissions
an approach to integrate net positive action on biodiversity, community, accessibility, outdoor ethics and collective marketing
concise, actionable and practical training supported by templates, workbooks, checklists and case studies
a blend of online and in-person training; a mix of group training and 1-2-1 mentoring from expert practitioners; option of a field trip
a framework for a collective, shared journey in sustainable and regenerative tourism
A platform for ongoing networking and collaboration
A bespoke online course library for all training recordings and materials

This Programme can create a cohort of businesses in your destination that

  • have achieved a 10-credit qualification in Sustainable Tourism Destination, validated by Munster Technological University and recognised nationally and internationally 
  • have measured their carbon footprint and set meaningful targets for improvement
  • have a Sustainability Action Plan that includes climate action as well as positive actions in biodiversity, accessibility, outdoor ethics and marketing
  • can lead to sustainable experience development, paving the way for others
  • know how to collaborate and how to tell their collective destination story
  • understand the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Agenda 2030 and how they can take action towards the goals
  • can showcase the sustainable experiences and practices in your destination
This course is designed to build a cluster of sustainable tourism practices within your destination. We recommend 12 participants per course, ideally with 12 new operators joining each year.

Programme Legacy

The true value of this programme lies in bringing a diverse group of businesses in their destinations on a collective sustainability journey together

  1. The programme is designed to allow them to build relationships, trust and familiarity with each other. 
  2. They are encouraged to share experiences, solutions and challenges. 
  3. They can form a nucleus of sustainable tourism action and leadership within your destination and inspire future participation by others as well. 
  4. They can also provide a trustworthy set of experiences that can showcase the sustainability initiatives in your destination.
  5. Participants gain a deeper understanding of sustainable tourism practices and their relevance to the balanced development of their destination.

Programme features

  • 4 x in-person in-destination workshops 
  • 6 x online workshops 
  • 2 hours of one-to-one training/mentoring per learner
  • Field trip learning journey
  • Peer-to-peer networking, brainstorming and problem-solving
  • An action plan is built out topic-by-topic, week-by-week
  • Learners establish a baseline, and set targets for improvement to create an action plan
  • The action plan is shared with peers through in-class presentation and is submitted for independent assessment  

10 Core Training Topics

  • Principles and Mindset for Regenerative Tourism 
  • Sustainability Action Planning and Goal-Setting
  • Setting up a Sustainability Management System
  • Carbon Footprint Calculation
  • Energy Management and Conservation
  • Waste Management and Waste Reduction
  • Water Conservation
  • Tourism and Biodiversity
  • Leave No Trace
  • Accessible and Inclusive Visitor Experiences
  • Sustainability Storytelling for Destinations
  • Sustainable Visitor Experience Development 
"The Tourism Space has really helped focus our thoughts for our way forward. They are very gifted at getting people to open up and feel safe about sustainability. We have gone from feeling very confused to feeling very confident in what we can do."
Participant Feedback, May 2020

Alignment to UN SDGs

SDG 8 Decent work and Economic Growth through enhancing job opportunities
SDG 9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure through the development of innovative tourism practices and experiences reflecting evolving consumer trends and visitor expectations
SDG 10 Equality through the focus on accessible tourism
SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities through the implementation of sustainable tourism practices and promoting the principles of the Circular Economy
SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production through engaging operators, staff and visitors in responsible travel practices
SDG13 Climate Action through a comprehensive data measurement and monitoring system and use of a carbon calculator 
SDG 14 Life Below Water relate to improving water quality and creating conditions for life to thrive in water
SDG 15 Life on Land relate to improving biodiversity and creating conditions for life to thrive on land

Meet the Training Team

The training is led by one of Ireland's leading tourism training and facilitation consultancies, The Tourism Space™.  The Tourism Space™ works with groups and individuals at all levels of tourism in Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland - from the boardrooms where national policy is discussed to one-to-one sessions with private entrepreneurs. We also run an online membership network which keeps us in contact with tourism and community entrepreneurs around Ireland.
Tina O'Dwyer Founder of The Tourism Space, Facilitator Trainer and Programme Coordinator



Lead Trainer & Programme Coordinator

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Tina O'Dwyer Founder of The Tourism Space, Facilitator Trainer and Programme Coordinator



Learner Support, Programme Coordinator


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Jarlath O'Dwyer Field Trip Coordinator and Host and Trainer



Field Trip Coordinator and Host, Trainer

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Áine Martin Sustainability Trainer and Mentor



Hospitality and Sustainability Expert, Trainer and Mentor

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Oonagh O'Dwyer Biodiversity Trainer and Expert ofWild Kitchen holding basket of seaweed by the sea



Biodiversity Expert and Trainer

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Oonagh O'Dwyer Biodiversity Trainer and Expert ofWild Kitchen holding basket of seaweed by the sea



Trainer - Accessibility & Inclusion and Sustainability Storytelling

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What previous participants have said


As part of our sustainability policy, The Tourism Space™, has committed to raising awareness of how tourism can positively contribute to the global sustainability agenda. We have extensive experience, from both a research and practice perspective, in supporting the emergence of sustainable approaches within businesses and destinations. We integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into our programme design and delivery, thereby building awareness and understanding and highlighting how each business and destination can contribute in practical and meaningful ways.

Read more about how we support sustainability and regeneration