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Wise advice for your tourism business right now

better tourism

This week's article is a little more personal than most.  On Thursday last, I chatted with my godmother, Ursula, to wish her a happy birthday. Ursula has lived in California for nearly 60 years. She was a child of World War 2 Germany, grew up in the devastating aftermath of the war before emigrating to the USA as a hopeful and ambitious young woman.  In San Francisco, she happened to live next door to my Irish emigrant parents, and that's where a lifelong friendship with my mother began. It's also where I was born and lucky enough to have had this wonderful lady in my life from that day onwards.

Ursula has been one of my great mentors and confidantes in life. She turned a job into a business which she successfully ran for more than 40 years and then sold before retiring.  When we spoke, she wanted to know how my business was coping with all that has happened in 2020. In the course of the conversation, she gave me some advice that I'd like to share with you now:

  1. The things that no longer work, lose them quickly.
  2. The things that need adjusting, improve them quickly.
  3. The things that will work from now on, run with them quickly.

No emotion, no over-thinking - a time of change like this does not present itself very often. Make the most of it!

I add no thoughts or interpretations of my own.  After all, it's not my advice - it's Ursula's!  I share her words with you because they resonated with me.  Let them sit with you for a little while and then ask 'How can they apply to my tourism business right now?'

Beir bua!
