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EU Sustainability Directives and Tourism : What You Need to Know Now

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The Rules Are Changing  

Tourism is no stranger to shifting landscapes. New expectations, new regulations, new realities - sometimes it feels like the goalposts are always moving. 

And now, a set of EU directives is reshaping the way we communicate with customers, report on sustainability and ultimately the way we do business. 

If you are a tourism professional in the public sector, you need to know what’s coming, what it means for your stakeholders and industry, and how to navigate the period of uncertainty ahead. 

The Directives That Are Changing the Game 

Tourism doesn’t tend to talk about directives, legislation, and compliance too much. We’re much more comfortable talking about visitor experience, economic impact, and community engagement. But when new rules start dictating how businesses communicate with the public, how sustainability claims are validated, and how funding decisions are made, it’s time to pay attention. 

Three directives, in particular, stand out: 

  1. Unfair Commercial Practices Directive (UCPD) – In place since 2005 and recently updated, this one cracks down on misleading, aggressive, or unfair business practices. 
  1. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) (2023) – Expands sustainability reporting obligations, primarily for large corporations businesses (but with knock-on effects for smaller ones). 
  1. Green Claims Directive (GCD) (2024) – Seeks to put an end to vague or misleading environmental claims, also known as greenwashing. 

While they may sound remote and bureaucratic, they will shape how tourism communicates, competes, and operates going forward. 

What You Need to Know Now 

  • Sustainability reporting is shifting from voluntary to mandatory 
    Large businesses must now report on their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance under the CSRD. Even though smaller tourism businesses aren’t directly affected yet, they will need to comply if they are part of the supply chain of a larger organisation. 
  • Greenwashing will no longer be just bad practice - it will be illegal 
    The Green Claims Directive will ensure that sustainability claims must be backed up with verifiable proof. For example, event ubiquitous terms like “eco-friendly” or “carbon-neutral” must be supported by clear, measurable data. 
  • Funding and procurement will have to change 
    Public sector bodies are already expected to prioritise businesses that meet sustainability criteria. While this doesn’t happen all that often in practice, it is likely to mean that tourism businesses will need to demonstrate compliance to access funding, contracts, and partnership opportunities. 
  • There is no single playbook - yet. 
    Regulators, businesses, and certifiers are still working out exactly how these directives will be implemented in practice. That means there will be grey areas for some time to come. 
  • Tourism businesses will look to national and local authorities for guidance  
    The national and local agencies will need to stay ahead of the game, so they can in turn empower tourism businesses in their destination keep up to speed. We know that all businesses making green claims will have to have those claims verified. However, we don’t know which certifiers/verifiers will be recognised at EU Level. At the moment, it’s not clear which of the existing  certifications can stay the course and will hold weight over the longer term. Knowing which ones fall away and which ones become recognised at an EU level will be crucial.  

What to Look Out for in the Future 

  • Knock-on effects for small and micro businesses 
    While small and micro businesses are exempt from the directives in theory, they will certainly feel the ripple effect, particularly those dependent on contracts with large buyers, corporations or public bodies require compliance. 
  • Uncertainty around application and enforcement. 
    National tourism authorities are still interpreting the rules. Some are adopting a wait-and-see approach, observing how governments will enact the directives and how private sector market will respond before committing to a course of action. This means that how and when businesses must comply, and the penalties for non-compliance, are yet to fully evolve. 
  • A decrease in sustainability certification schemes. 
    With demand for verified sustainability credentials rising, you might expect an explosion of new certification schemes. Already there are close to 300 sustainability schemes across Europe, some credible and some less so. However, our expectation is that there will be far fewer certification schemes – only the robust ones with the resources to elevate their game even further will be able to meet the requirements of the GCD. For the first time, certifiers themselves will have to be verified and will themselves have to bring greater transparency to their criteria and language. It is likely that they will have to consolidate and collaborate, and even amalgamate. It may even be that national authorities or government agencies take over the role of certification from the private sector altogether, such will be the requirement for transparency and verification. 
  • Increased wariness of tourism businesses towards certification 

The period of uncertainty that we are in right now makes it nigh on impossible for a tourism business to begin the process of certification right now. Certification processes are already lengthy, labour-intensive and expensive. What if you invest time and resources, only for your chosen certifier to not make the cut of EU recognition? What if your current certifier concludes that it cannot comply with the legislation and ceases to certify? What if the fee for  certification rises dramatically, which seems almost inevitable? 

  • A risk of ‘greenhushing’. 
    Some businesses, wary of making claims they can’t fully verify, may choose to stay silent on sustainability altogether. It may look much simpler to just avoid making green claims at all. Ironically, this could mean that genuinely sustainable businesses step back from talking about their efforts, while less sustainable businesses continue to dominate the narrative. And while the EU is at pains to reassure businesses that it wants them to actively communicate, there’s a real risk that they become silenced instead.    
  • Potential for shifting timelines. 
    With different countries implementing directives at different speeds, and with further refinements still in progress, expect ongoing adjustments and clarifications over the next couple of years. 

Between Two Stools: Navigating the Period of Uncertainty 

Right now, we’re in a transition phase. The directives have been passed, but the practical details of implementation, enforcement, and interpretation are still being worked out. 

Tourism businesses and destinations are in limbo – what’s compliant today may need adjusting tomorrow. 

Public sector agencies are also in limbo, yet must be prepared as parameters, expectations and legislation evolve. Procurement, funding, and reporting requirements are likely to evolve as well. 

National authorities are still working through the details, or hesitating to do so. They will be expected to provide clearer guidance over time. 

For now, flexibility and awareness are key.  As the situation evolves, tourism professionals in the public sector need to stay informed, adaptable and ready to support businesses through the transition.. 

What advice is useful for tourism businesses right now: 

No doubt, businesses are already asking about this. Given that this is a fluid situation, it is hard to give absolutely definitive advice. For the moment, here are a few points that will be helpful to industry partners interested in sustainability communications: 

  • Start tracking sustainability data now. Even if reporting isn’t required yet, early action will put businesses ahead of the curve.  
  • Focus on building trust and transparency. Gather and maintain evidence so that you can be sure that you, your employees and your customers believe what you are saying 
  • Take great care around choosing a certifier and, if pursuing certification right now, seek reassurances and information on how that certifier intends to meet the requirements of the directives. Credibility and compliance will really matter.  
  • Stay flexible - expect adjustments and refinements as the directives are implemented. 
  • Look for the opportunity. While compliance is the word of the moment, it will be helpful to see these directives as an opportunity, rather than a burden. The same actions will cover requirements of all 3 directives and ultimately, they will help businesses reach a higher standard for transparency, credibility, and long-term resilience. 
  • Be honest with internal and external stakeholders. Communicate in a way that builds trust. Try not to pull back too much. 

 A Changing Landscape, But One We Can Navigate 

Tourism is in a period of transition, and these latest directives are just one part of a bigger shift toward greater accountability in sustainability. 

There are still unknowns, moving parts, and challenges ahead, as is always the case with change.  

The best way forward is to stay informed, stay engaged, and stay adaptable. 

If we do that, we won’t just respond to change – we may be able to help shape it.